Thais Nather

Thais Nather has an extensive background in the trade of works of art and antiques, as an Antiquarian, Gallerist and organizer of art auctions, in Brazil and the USA. After a professional transition, he graduated in Human Resources Management, is currently in the process of certification as a Coach by the ICF, consolidating himself for more than 13 years as a Headhunter, in specialized national and multinational consultancies, focused on the recruitment and evaluation of Executives (from Management to C-level), for varied practices, in companies of the most diverse sizes and sectors.


She is currently Director of EXEC, working in Executive Search and in parallel as a Member of the HR, IT and Quality committees, responsible for the digital transformation of EXEC.

Thais Nather Diretora EXEC

EXEC’s Advisory Board

Experience and credibility that generate
high management and corporate governance standard.


A team based on ethical values,
accessibility and innovation.

Board of Directors


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