Paulo Burgese

Paulo is a business administrator and has a Postgraduate Degree in Financial Management from Universidade São Judas Tadeu and has built a career of more than 25 years in the area of Business Administration, Finance and Controllership. Before joining Exec Exec, he worked in a multinational company in the Recruitment and Selection segment for 6 years in addition to working in a financial services and investor relations company. Moved between the areas of data processing, administration, finance and controllership, leading projects to open new offices in Latin America (Mexico and Argentina), implementation of ERP systems, consolidation the statements of subsidiaries and headquarters (BRGAAP / USGAAP), financial routines and forecasting, extraction and generation of data for decision making and monthly presentations of results and KPIs.


Administrative and Financial Director of EXEC, Paulo is based in the São Paulo office.

paulo burgese diretor exec

EXEC’s Advisory Board

Experience and credibility that generate
high management and corporate governance standard.


A team based on ethical values,
accessibility and innovation.

Board of Directors


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