Mariana Villalva

Mariana has a degree and postgraduate degree in Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo, certified in Coaching by the ICI – Integrated Coaching Institute, accredited by the ICF (International Coach Federation), in Assessment by Escola Integração and is also certified in the PPA instruments. (DISC) and TeiQue (Emotional Intelligence) from Thomas International and Hogan® Assessment tool. She started her career as a trainee at Grupo Abril, where she later served as Marketing and Events Manager. She made her transition to the Executive Search area in 2008 in the Brazilian operation of one of the largest global companies in the sector. For eight years, Mariana worked in the area of Talent and Career Management in an American multinational company that is a reference in such activities.

Mariana is also the founder and President of the “GARH” group, one of the largest and most influential groups of women HR executives in Brazil, whose main agenda is the discussion of strategic issues relevant to the area.


She is currently a Partner at EXEC, leader of the Leadership Advisory unit and Head of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee at EXEC.

Mariana Villalva Líder Leadership Advisory EXEC

EXEC’s Advisory Board

Experience and credibility that generate
high management and corporate governance standard.


A team based on ethical values,
accessibility and innovation.

Board of Directors


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